This week was good. I am trying to still figure out everything. I've come to the conclusion that changing between 2 missions is really hard. Truly. There are different things you need to do and different ways to do it all..sometimes I feel like a lost sheep, but I remember that picture of Christ carrying the sheep on His shoulders. It never ceases to motivate me.
We had exchanges this week. We had no idea what to expect, but the training leaders and Hermana Stanley (my hermana from the MTC) came and worked in El Bolson with us for the day. We had 2 companionships. It was great! We got a lot done and I learned SO SO SO much. We worked a lot with less actives! It just had me thinking that this calling as a missionary truly is to invite everyone to come unto Christ and develop their faith...not just new investigators.
I bore my testimony in church yesterday. It was good. I even threw in a line how with both members and missionaries we can bring more into this church family. Yeah, I am really trying to stress this "every member missionary". It's great! We have been having a lot of people want to come out with us! YAY!
Yesterday we got lost trying to visit a member. It was mother's day here. As we were trying to find the home, I saw a lady who looked lost, too. I started to talk to her and she said, "I don't know you". I then continued to say that we were missionaries and our purpose. She then turned to me and said, "Are you from Europe?" YESSSSS!! First time somebody didn't know I was from the states. Best day ever! ha! She ended up not wanting to hear and told us to keep walking. Awkward. But, it was great. I did my job of inviting and that's all I can do.
We have a lot of referrals out here and not a lot of progressing investigators. We have an adorable lady that has a baptismal date for the 19th. Super excited for that! We are working hard but it's difficult getting in with people because of siesta. We are trying and things are starting to work out! More members are helping us. It's great! I love it!
I was in Bariloche just last week for stake conference. IT IS BEAUTIFUL! It's just 2 hours away. We will definitely go and visit when I am done with my mission. :) Okay!
Hope all is going well. Thanks for being the best examples ever and for always keeping me in your prayers. I feel them daily. I received NUMEROUS emails this week from family, friends, ward members, old high school friends, etc. I know that each of you were prompted to write me for a reason. Thanks for following the spirit and being worthy to receive the spirit in your lives.
Best wishes to you all. Love this work, love the area!
Hermana McChesney
Shout out to my mom for always updating my blog. Can I get a Whoorahh?
Shout out to Jackson for turning 15 year old! YAY!! Did you get your permit?
Shout out to all the mothers out there, especially my mom. It was Mother's Day here and you were on my mind all day! So FELIZ DIA DE LA MADRE!
Beautiful El Bolson. It is said that this little village resembles the shire in the Hobbit.
More pics of El Bolson
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